01964 544480 / info@samuelkendall.co.uk

Baswick Hemp Home

Baswick Bridge, East Riding of Yorkshire

When it comes to new, versatile and sustainable building materials, what is better than one you can grow yourself. - Stephen Samuel RIBA

This project, set in the agrarian farmland of Baswick Steer, East Yorkshire took a derelict barn and through the use of hempcrete external insulation. The material was grown within the premises of Baswick Steer farm at no net cost to the occupant, it is highly insulative and is very easy to install into an existing building. 

The new layer of insulation also greatly improved the buildings thermal mass easing the flow of heat through the dwelling's walls and roof. The material's use in the roof-space also negated the need for this space to be ventilated.

♢  A New Skin For a 21st Century Farmhouse

♢  Insulating Hempcrete Skin Grown On-site

♢  Agrarian Riverside Setting